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Monday, April 10, 2006

Digging, Digging, Digging

Picture the scene.

You've spent nearly 18 hours digging a trench to the required depth, width, length, etc.

You are tired, your hands are blistered and your back hurts.

Then the message comes:

"Sorry guys, the battle's moved on, enemy attacked 1st Bn The Blogshires instead, we've got to move location."
Now imagine this is the third time you have heard that in four days.

I didn't particularly enjoy that exercise in Poland.


Blogger SL said...

You sound like a bunch of Irish navvies for God's sake!

6:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the trick is to stuff small children into your webbing instead of entrenching tools. little kids love to dig holes. one o' those properly controlled could have a whole system of trenches built in under an hour.

6:22 pm  
Blogger Pat said...

But US is the trench in the photo the depth you normally dig? Where is the protection? Or are you kneeling in the trench?

7:03 pm  
Blogger DC said...

SL - about right.

Anon - the only flaw in your plan I can see is "one o' those properly controlled".

PI - it's a work in progress. They are usually chest deep.

7:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Si', you're close! The trick is to be paired off with a bloke who *was* an Irish navvie which, happily, was the case when I first had to dig a trench on Salisbury Plain. 'Paddy' watched my pathetic efforts whilst he brewed up and then told me with utter contempt to do something physically impossible whilst he did the digging. I learnt two things about digging that day. Proper diggers never stop, and proper diggers always fill the spade. Never managed that, then, or since!

7:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 big holes in 4 days? Just how many bodies needed disposing of US?

9:45 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, no-one likes being ditched several times in a row...

1:20 pm  
Blogger DC said...

David - unfortunately I never found one of them.

Mr Angry - erm less said about that the better......

Sherbert - I'd love to, I really would but ermmm.....

Eggbanjo - Engineers - never there when you want them - always there when you don't.

Anon - and the award for worst pun this week goes to....

5:40 pm  

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