Although it is nearly 8 years ago I can still feel the ice in belly as I woke up on the morning I was due to get married.
The party had started the night before with a little 'light ' karaoke that had broken the ice between the in-laws and assorted guests but had left me with a slightly thick head despite my best intentions.
For any budding grooms out there can I recommend a 5 mile run and a full cooked breakfast to get rid of any wedding jitters.
Oh and getting into a spankingly smart uniform helped too.
And walking through my home town with all the passers bye gawping helped too.
And a couple of pints in my local helped too.
As for the wedding - well it's all a bit of a blur really (and that had nothing to do with the couple of pints).
I do remember seeing the soon to be Mrs Soldier walking down the aisle - red hair standing out even more than usual because of her wedding dress.
I do remember giving my wrong hand to Mrs Soldier and ending up shortly after the wedding being told that I was a prat and had my ring on the wrong hand.
I do remember thinking "Oh dear" as the lads who'd come over from my regiment sat down at a table with the only available ladies and then ordered tequila - at about 3 in the afternoon.
I do remember thinking "That'll be the tequila" when some of my friends decided they couldn't wait for the first dance.
I do remember thinking "Oh shit" when the DJ decided it would be a good idea to play 'Kung Fu Fighting'. *
But apart from that it was all a bit of a very pleasant blur.
* - Fortunately just the one casualty when one of the blokes managed to 'accidentally' kick his missus in the head.